The last day of Janathon. Woo hoo! Should I end with a damp squib of a plank? Or do (yet) another session of my DVD (I swear Jillian Michael’s eyes follow me around the room from the DVD case). Maybe another bike ride (but cycle shorts are still damp on the radiator from yesterday, and I’m not hardcore enough to put them on on that state). I know – I’LL GO FOR A RUN!!!
In the interests of resting my niggle (yawn), I haven’t run since 3rd January! I have missed running, and I was anxious to see how four weeks of ‘just’ cross training would have affected it (and me).
So off I went this morning. I set off at full pelt for a quick blast around my 3 mile loop. It was cold, it was slippy, it was muddy under foot. It was glorious. I ran 3.11 miles in just under 30 minutes, which included re-tying a shoe lace TWICE and a little chat with a neighbour (the problem of running through the small village you live in).
So it’s goodbye Janathon, and welcome back running!
Cycling capri length trousers. Old running tights that have gone baggy* over the top. A long sleeved running top. A merino wool thin jumper. A fleece jacket. A waterproof running jacket. A bright yellow hi-viz running gilet. Oldest running socks. Muddiest old trainers. Husband’s best cycling gloves.
This was me, dressed to go out on my bike today. Think ‘hi viz Michelin Man’ and that’s the look I was going for. Getting all those clothes on took so much effort it should count as a Janathon exercise in itself, however I didn’t think I’d manage to persuade the Janathon community of this so I waddled out to my built. I realised it was a while since I’d done any outdoor exercise when I picked up my Garmin and it looked like this:- No Battery
Setting off to B&Q without thinking, I automatically cycled the route I would normally drive, the fastest along the main road. This was somewhat hairy on a bike. At one roundabout where I had to get into the right hand lane whilst being overtaken by lorries I recorded a big heart rate spike, purely through adrenaline. Needless to say I chose a more cycle-friendly route home.
I think I definitely scored hardcore points today!
Coming towards the end of Janathon i decided I’d better do something special. Something a bit different. Something to really write home about. So after much debate* I dug out my 30 day Shred DVD … and moved up to level 3. It was hard. Maybe tomorrow will be more exciting. **
Living in a fairly rural part of the country as I do, I end up doing a fair bit of online shopping, and so the various courier drivers are getting to know me quite well. I was still surprised though, when I opened the door to collect a packet from UPS to see the driver giving me a very big smile and a wave as he left. “How very friendly!” I thought. Then I noticed the package was marked as ‘Lingerie’, and the sender was “Panache Lingerie”, which explained everything. If he’d been imagining delicate little lacey nothings, however, he’d have been disappointed when he saw the package’s contents.
When I learnt that Panache were looking for people to review their new sports bra I instantly applied, as I love getting new gear. I was also keen to try a sports bra that wasn’t of the compression ‘squash everything down’ type. Being a smaller chested lady my sports bras have always resembled a cut off vest as much as anything. The Panache Sports Bra is designed for ladies much more ‘ample’ than myself (it goes up to cup size H) and as such is a very different beast. I initially thought it wouldn’t fit me, but I was advised if I went down a band size I could go up a cup size, so this is what I did.
Panache Sports Bra, in Coral
The first thing to say about this bra is how fantastically bright and colourful it is. The second is how beautifully padded it is. The straps especially are wide and soft and didn’t cut into my shoulders at all. The underband is also wide which means it doesn’t ride up or wrinkle. I had been worried about how the wires in an underwired sports bra would feel, but I am happy to report I couldn’t feel them at all. I fastened the bra on its loosest setting, and as advised it was a great fit. Come the summer when everything expands it might feel a bit tight, but in January it feels great.
I wore it whilst I did a workout DVD (hello Jillian Michaels and her 30 day shred!) which involves jumping jacks and other leaping up and down exercises, as well as bending up and down whilst lifting weights exercises. I am happy to report the bra felt great throughout, didn’t move or shift, held everything in place it was supposed to and sadly it didn’t manage to distract me from the workout (I could have done with some!)
Whilst the Panache Sports bra, and their entire range, seems to be aimed at the larger busted woman, I am very pleased to say it is still appropriate and downright comfortable for us women at the other end of the bra-size-spectrum. In fact I just have one problem with this bra. I looked at the washing instructions to see it said “wash similar colours together” and realised I don’t have anything in my wardrobe in similar colours to this bra!
Day 28 of Janathon – the end is nigh! It’s also Day 8 of the 30 day Shred DVD. I expect you’re as fed up reading about this DVD as I am of doing it. At least it’s a good, quick workout so this morning I gritted my teeth and stuck with it for another day. I’m planning my run for Friday, the last day of Janathon, and I also decided I should try level 3 of the DVD before then as well. Not much else happening this morning, there’s not a lot you can say when the highlight of your morning (so far!) is finding that the old cat *didn’t* wee on the new mat last night. Yay!
I’ve realised the big problem with the 30 Day Shred DVD is that it just doesn’t feel ‘hardcore’ enough. Yes I’ve been struggling through my ‘plank jacks’ and ‘walk out push ups’, and grimacing my way through ‘high knees’ and ‘skater jumps’, but it’s all done in my warm living room, in front of the telly (despite what my Garmin thinks).
I was painting the utility room this morning, as the rain and then hail came down. I looked out of the window and thought about running in that weather. Now that’s hardcore, and that’s what I’m missing.
So as a treat for completing Janathon, on 31st January I’m going out for a run. Come rain or shine (but let’s be honest, it’s likely to be rain) I plan to be out there, smiling, earning hardcore points. Now that’s more like it!
So it’s Sunday morning and my son walks into the living room. He finds a DVD playing featuring a bossy American woman, and his mother lying on the floor dressed in shorts and an extremely bright sports bra trying to do ‘double crunches’.
“Janathon” he says, nodding wisely, before leaving again. He knows the score!
Busy busy busy day, so today’s Janathon activity was rolling on the tennis ball, and doing some stretching. I think I’ve hit the ‘athon lowpoint, and if I wasn’t in this state (and just about to go to bed) I would draw a graph.
Today I have been decorating. All day. Much painting, much climbing up and down ladders, much diningof tea. I have also been gallivanting, at Mr B&T’s Cycling Club’s Annual dinner. Despite being very short on time even I realised I’d be pushing my luck if I tried to claim either of those as my Janathon activity for the day. So in a fit of keenness I managed a plank for 1 minute 30 seconds just before I put my party frock on.
Winning at Christmas usually means that you get to keep the small plastic toy in your half of the cracker. If you’re lucky it could be a mis-spelling of ‘wining’, which usually goes with ‘dining’, both of which I heartily approve of. If you’re less lucky it could be a misprunt of ‘whining’ which I can never condone. Fortunately for me I must have been a good girl last year because I really was a winner in a competition run by the lovely Jog Blog. Jog Blog (aka “She who must be obeyed as the organiser of Janathon and Junathon”, aka Cathy aka Planet Veggie) had reviewed a snazzy pair of running tights from a website called ‘Zalando’, and had a voucher worth £25 to give away. Enter Lucky Lucy!
I finally got around to spending this voucher recently and put it towards a new, warm, winter coat. It arrived and was excited unwrapped, and then was disappointedly re-wrapped because it was too small. (I know, I know, I ordered my usual size but then wanted to wear a winter jumper underneath and still be able to move my arms. Some people are just so demanding).
I ordered a different coat ( in the next size up) and it finally arrived today. I can fit more than just my underwear beneath this coat, it feels lovely and warm (and showerproof) and with the enormous fluffy-edged hood up I feel like Kenny from Southpark. What’s not to like?