It’s all very technical. I printed out the comments from my ShotBlok giveaway, given them all a number with pencil, then used a random number generator to find the winning number*. (I’m sure there’s an easier way, but this seemed to work just fine!)
The lucky winner is ….
Comment Number 8 – Susie Besford. Congratulations!
I will contact Susie and get her ShotBloks to her. Thank you to everyone that entered – I have some more ideas for long run fuelling now. I’m especially liking Vikki’s idea of mini sandwiches!
Everyone likes a freebie, yes? And everyone likes Shotbloks, yes? Yes?
You do, great. Then head to the bottom paragraph to find out how you could get some freebies.
You don’t? Oh – I’ve never met anyone who didn’t like those little jelly cubes of goodness.
You’ve never tried them? Well now here’s your chance.
I have used Shot Bloks on many long runs and each of my marathons. They are like eating those little pre-dissolved cubes of jelly (or was that just a “growing up in the 70s” thing? ), but 3 of them give you basically the same energy boost as an energy gel. You have to have some water to help them down, but they also contain the salts you’ll have been sweating out so they have everything you need. On a personal note, I’ve found that picking them out of your teeth for the next few miles is a fine way to pass the time on a long run.
I can really recommend Shot Bloks, so you may be wondering why I’ve got two packets to give away instead of just scoffing them myself? Well I ordered a selection of flavours from Up and Running, and by mistake they sent me these Black Cherry flavour ones. I hate anything cherry flavoured with a passion (but I love cherries -weird, huh?) so they kindly sent me some other flavours and said I could give these away.
The Black Cherry variety also has caffeine in then, so they are ideal for a boost towards the end of a race when you may be flagging.
To enter this giveaway, please leave a comment after this post telling me if you’ve tried Shot Bloks before, what you thought of them and what’s your favorite method of fueling on long runs. Winner will be selected at random on 1st September 2015 from people who’ve left a comment by 23:59 on 31st August 2015.