Curse those long Summer Holidays

So September is here,  the children are back to school (hooray on behalf of all the parents!), and it’s Half Marathon season (again).  Oh hang on, it’s actually only 12 days until the Chippenham Half. After a lovely summer spent mainly waiting for children (with a couple of glorious weeks swimming and relaxing thrown in) my training schedule has been abandoned.  Time for an emergency training plan which looks like 9 days torturing my legs until they remember how to run,  3 days taper followed by race day. What could possibly go wrong?  (Sigh)

On a more positive note,  it was a beautiful morning as I set off on a 3 mile recovery plod.  I ignored my legs telling me they were tired after the unexpected 7 miles we did yesterday,  and enjoyed the “season of mists and mellow fruitfulness”. I eyed up good patches of blackberries to go back and pilfer when they’re riper,  and enjoyed the ethereal draping of mst in the valleys.  Only this weather can make spiders’ webs photogenic!


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