Juneathon day 24. Race prep, and having my knees licked

So after the weekend’s excesses (of which an excess of exercise did not, sadly, feature) I knew I’d enjoy a run today. I was feeling as keen as a young pup that hears the magic word “Walkies!” This enthusiasm was balanced by my sensible side which pointed out to the puppy that was lacing up her trainers and bouncing up and down with excitement that she actually has a 10K race on Thursday and so needs to just take it steady, if not gently this week.

The sensible head won, and I set off for a 3 mile loop. I took the first mile very gently as a warm-up, and then speeded up for a mile and a half, then a half mile cool down. Oddest moment of the run was meeting a couple of black labradors that rushed up to me, tails wagging, asking for a pat. Whilst I gave them some attention, they  both licked my knees. Urgh!

I also managed a minute’s plank when I got home. Much better effort than the weekend!

Oh – and a late entry to add to Juneathon day 23. I just remembered, my young tabby cat brought a live froglet in through the cat flap last night. I then spent at least 5 minutes chasing the cat, and the froglet, around and under the kitchen table trying to drop a towel over the froglet whilst keeping over-excited tabby away with my foot. Must have burnt a few calories, certainly got my heart rate up, and happily I managed to get the froglet back outside by the pond whilst locking the tabby in the house. I do so love a happy ending!

2 thoughts on “Juneathon day 24. Race prep, and having my knees licked”

    1. Thank you Lisa! Its a lovely little race but I’m feeling stupidly nervous already

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