What a week that was! I’ve spent four days working as an extra on a film being made in our village called ‘The Christmas Candle’. I have spent hours wearing a corset, and hanging around in cold pubs. I also managed to do some walking, storming of a candle shop and pretending to watch a slide show whilst looking at a green screen 30cm from my face. All good fun, and I even managed to sneak in a couple of runs as well.

On Tuesday night I didn’t get home until just before midnight though, and on Wednesday I started at 5.30pm, and finally made it home at around 2.30am. Not surprisingly I’ve been a bit tired, and feeling rather jet lagged. I guess shift workers must just get used to it, but I have even more respect now for anyone who can train for a marathon, work shifts and have a family life as well.
Plan was for a lovely (!) long run on Friday. At least 18 miles, and maybe pushing on to 20 if I felt okay. Life had other ideas though – on Thursday the boiler packed up (again) leaving us with no central heating or hot water. Bath night was Victorian style (appropriately enough) involving boiling pans on the cooker and carrying them through to the bath. The earliest the engineer could come was Friday afternoon ‘any time between 12 and 6pm’. No way could I fit in a long run, and the subsequent water heating for very necessary post-run bath before 12 noon, so no long run today. Sigh.
Saturday is son’s birthday treat, Sunday Mr B&T is off cycling again, so I guess I’ll have to do a long run on Monday. No wonder I don’t know what day it is!