I’m Lucy, otherwise known as ‘Black and Tabby’ having pinched the name from the two cats who owned us at the time.

I started running in 2009 in a mid-life crisis “I’m over 40 and I NEED to do something to get fit!” kind of a way. I had tried running several times before, normally for a few weeks before an annual skiing holiday when I knew my legs would never survive the week if I didn’t do something. I also tried swimming which I hated because I’m no good at it (I’m a devotee of the “head-up-don’t-get-your-hair-wet” style of swimming). I also tried cycling, although I didn’t approve of how much it hurt my backside. This time though, I came back from holiday already feeling fit, and decided to try running again because I loved feeling strong and healthy. Early training often involved sloping off down the footpaths in jeans and trainers (so no one would ‘see’ that I was trying to run) and only breaking into a shuffle when I was miles from anywhere.
My children helpfully encouraged me to enter their school 10K race in 2009 so I had something to aim for. The first day I managed to complete 6 miles still stands out in my mind, and I remember feeling a huge wave of achievement and pride in myself. I ran in the 10K race that summer, and came last. I didn’t care though – because I had finished my first race (and got huge cheers in the process, including from my son who helpfully shouted “Mum! You’re doing really well! Even though you’re last!!”)
After this I entered my first Half Marathon in March 2010, my first 5K in 2011 and my first Marathon in 2012. I also ran in many other races in between these as well, of course. I’m not fast, in fact I’m very slow, but I run at my own pace which is still much faster than I could ever have moved 3 years ago.
I like running alone as it gives me some time and space with my thoughts, and time to appreciate the beautiful Wiltshire countryside I usually run through. This blog is a chance for me to share some of these thoughts, and photos of some of the things I see whilst I’m out and about. Its also a chance for me to write about my current training so I can get it out of my system and not totally bore my poor family with my witterings.