Janathon Day 29. A walk and a Wheelie Bin Hunt #2

Cold lurgy is in full flow today, but cabin fever is also setting in, so today’s Janathon activity was a successful end to the wheelie bin hunt and a walk around the block. Well, I say successful – I’m presuming it was my bin – the two cottages at the end can’t possibly have three wheelie bins between them, can they?!

The walk was an official walk (i.e. I wore my Garmin), it measured 0.6 of a Mile and took me 10 minutes. And three tissues *sniff*.

Janathon Day 28. The Hunt for the Wheelie Bin

Good News! Wiltshire Council took my Christmas tree to be recycled today.

Bad News. My wheelie bin has disappeared, After leaving it at the end of the drive to be emptied we had some really windy weather, and now it’s gone.

More bad news, my cold lurgy is settling in nicely (sniff).

To end with some more good News, today’s Janathon activity did involve going outside today, but only to go up and down the lane looking for the runaway bin. No sign of it so far …